Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Ma, got us another idiot for dinner! They just keep falling into the trap!

 Reality finally tied the knot with Fantasy.

They married this morning dreaming.

Honeymoons forever!


Jane! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161

An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine

Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Graffiti from Here To Eternity


Saturday, March 14, 2015


I think of family and friends left behind in another millennium and I think of making a dent in the universe to bring home the better angels of our nature to the future of new beginnings. This is a mural for our dreams in The South Bronx of Captain America.

In my childhood, I was the commander of The USS Escapism where science fiction has a sneaky way of becoming science fact.

I am this country’s answer to The Doctor.

I am a Time Lord in my own right.

Hey, England, kiss my big fat ad for this fantasy about to become reality.

I’m firing up the engines of imagination to save Earth.

And how will I do that?

We make movie.

Jane! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161

An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine

Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Graffiti from Here To Eternity


Monday, March 9, 2015

You just had to click on this. Join the rest of the idiots

Allow us to mercifully add to your many, many weapons of mass mind destruction.

Behold Virtual Reality called Cyber Blanca, as the real world burns away humans.  It’s Endgame, you corporate parasites. We hope you die quick before you suffer long.

Now let us take The Ultimate Selfie of The Guardians Of The Planet Earth.


North Korea likes this movie idea on Quirky

Jane! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161

An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine

Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Graffiti from Here To Eternity


Friday, March 6, 2015

My cousin was the closest to having a twin. She looked up to me like I was a hero.

I’m just a bad guy with a conscience.

I’m a cyber thief out to break the combination to release the better angels of our nature.

 I’ll most likely be killed like the thief nailed next to A Good Jewish Lawyer. 

What the hell? I wasn’t doing anything tomorrow anyway.

This has to work out for kids of all ages.

Justice will be done.

Rebooting engines…

Jane! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161

An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine

Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Graffiti from Here To Eternity


Thursday, March 5, 2015

You just had to click didn't you?

They stole my files that were meant to benefit the human race and save Earth.

They stole my memories and my powers to make dreams reality.

They left me to die in the explosion that destroyed my laboratory of wonders never to be fully born.  I lost the woman who loved me because I couldn’t stop watching movies.

Now it’s time to fight grime. Excuse me while I do dishes and take out the garbage.

Justice will be done.

Jane! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161

An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine

Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Graffiti from Here To Eternity!!!



They stole my files that were meant to benefit the human race and save Earth.

They stole my memories and my powers to make dreams reality.

They left me to die in the explosion that destroyed my laboratory of wonders never to be fully born.  I lost the woman who loved me because I couldn’t stop watching movies.

Now it’s time to fight grime. Excuse me while I do dishes and take out the garbage.

Justice will be done.

Jane! Stop This Crazy Media Thing by Danny Aponte of Public School 161

An essay on Freedom of Speech to sing songs like a canary in a coalmine

Copyrighted in The South Bronx of Graffiti from Here To Eternity!!!